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More coming in the days to come
Big Company HR Expertise and Small Company Prices™

Our Business Principles

1. Clients come first.
2. Focus, focus, focus ... on service delivery.
3. Deliver the 20% that delivers the most value first (80/20).

Experience counts ....

Our Staff

The individuals who work at HR Medic share three core beliefs.

  • Clients comes first.
  • People and their talent create success in business.
  • Teamwork is always a critical success factor.

Our job is to help our Clients be "HR Heroes" when it comes to the way that they interact with their employees and contractors.


Our Associates

Experienced HR professionals, people experts, and specialists (e.g lawyers specializing in human relations issues), HR Medic's associates work on client assignments and projects under the direction of a HR Medic senior staff person on "as needed" basis.

We trust our Associates, have worked with them in the past so we know what they have done and what they are capable of doing. They share our core beliefs.

Practical, Cost Effective Human Resources Solutions
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