Roelf Woldring
Author, E-Learning Architect, Educator, Entrepreneur

Roelf Woldring's
Books, E-Books, Voice Overs and Presentations
Accessible on the Web

Performance Contracting
Performance Contracting for Results


I created or wrote these items over a number of years. They carry the branding of the organization that I was involved with at the time that I created it. Some of the web sites referenced are still on the web but have become dormant.

Click on the titles in each topic to view the item
(or pick one of the alternate formats for this item in the second column).

Title Format Summary   Intended Audience
"Why Performance Contracting?" Voice Over

get PDF here
In less that 10 minutes, this voice over shows the organizational performance, staff engagement and motivation benefits of forward looking performance contracting as opposed to backward looking performance appraisal. "Shape the Future, Don't Appraise the Past"™  

Board Members;
Chief Talent Officers;
Chief Human Resource Officers;
other C-Level Executives;

"C-Level Performance Contracting: How To"

Voice Over

get PDF here

Understand the business benefits and the process used to develop performance contracts for C-Level Executives under the guidance of a performance contract facilitator.  

Board Members;
Chief Talent Officers;
Chief Human Resource Officers;
other C-Level Executives

"Performance Appraisal is Dead .. Long Live Performance Contracting"

PAisDead - Long Live PC Book Cover

Voice Over

get PDF here

The Book on

Forward looking performance contracting beats backward looking performance appraisal for engaging staff and motivating them to do their best. In depth benefit analysis and comparison. This voice over show why.   Board Members;
Chief Talent Officers;
Chief Human Resource Officers;
other C-Level Executives

    The copyright for the materials, documents and presentations accessed through this page    
is owned by Roelf Woldring.
You may make a single copy of these items for your own personal use.
If you want to make more copies, or use them in any commercial way,
please contact Roelf Woldring
You may embed references or links (i.e. urls) to these materials in your websites or paper documents,
providing that you show Roelf Woldring as the author of the item
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Some of the items on this page are also available on SlideShare, Linked In, or YouTube under Roelf Woldring's name,
or on other web sites owned by Roelf Woldring.