Roelf Woldring
Author, E-Learning Architect, Educator, Entrepreneur

Roelf Woldring's
Books, E-Books, Voice Overs and Presentations
Accessible on the Web

About Coaching and Managing Talented Individuals

Coaching Discussion


I created or wrote these items over a number of years. They carry the branding of the organization that I was involved with at the time that I created it. Some of the web sites referenced are still on the web but have become dormant.

Click on the titles in each topic to view the item
(or pick one of the alternate formats for this item in the second column).

Title Format Summary   Intended Audience
About Coaching and Managing Talented Individuals
"OMG: My Boss Is Telling Me That I have To Coach My Staff"

Voice Over

get PDF here

Coaching direct reports is not a skill that just comes naturally. Staff engagement requires that all managers coach effectively. Although this happens most easily in an organization that uses forward looking performance contracting, (rather than backward looking performance appraisal,) as its performance management process, every manager can use this coaching framework to understand what skills they need to be an effective coach.

  Managers with direct reports
"Guide for "Coachees": Thing to Reflect on When Working with A Personal Coach"

PDF Coaching is a large investment in your future. Whether you are paying the coach, or your organization is, you need to understand what a coach CAN and CANNOT do to help you improve your work performance.   Everyone
"Competency Management: HR for Adults" PDF A three part white paper which describes the competency based approach to human resource (e.g. talent) management.  

HR professionals;
Talent Management Professionals;
Business Managers / Executives

    The copyright for the materials, documents and presentations accessed through this page    
is owned by Roelf Woldring.
You may make a single copy of these items for your own personal use.
If you want to make more copies, or use them in any commercial way,
please contact Roelf Woldring
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Some of the items on this page are also available on SlideShare, Linked In, or YouTube under Roelf Woldring's name,
or on other web sites owned by Roelf Woldring.